Without further ado, we provide to you personally five of the very peculiar intimate encounters of my entire life

Without further ado, we provide to you personally five of the very peculiar intimate encounters of my entire life

Without further ado, we provide to you personally five of the very peculiar intimate encounters of my entire life

The following activities are, for good or for bad, absolutely real. Names, certain areas, and measurements are altered/omitted to guard the identities of these included.

1. High On lifetime (and some other stuff): A “26-year-old” guy (in reality nearer to 35) came out inside my modest Harwood abode, of which point he procured from their backpack a case of crystal meth that, within minutes, precluded him from counting last two.

A couple of huffs of keyboard cleaner, ample whiffs of poppers, a energetic rimming session and a genuine inquiry into “whether or perhaps not this generation believes in vampires” later on, the thing I would deem the encounter that is strangest of my entire life received shakily to an in depth.
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